It's been a minute...

But, yes, we're still here.

We've been pretty here quiet on the newsletter front, but we've been hard at work preparing AfroLA for our full launch in early 2023. Even still, we've got several new stories written by our talented freelancers and our very first community contributor. We'll be publishing more frequently as we get closer to launch, both through our newsletter and on our website. You can also find even more news content on our Instagram and get a peek behind the curtain at how AfroLA is coming together through our Medium series.Speaking of behind-the-scenes, we've continued our work on our community information needs assessment. (You can still fill out the survey here.) That research has helped us finalize decisions about the coverage areas we'll focus on when we launch, and what approaches we'll take to cover them. We'll share our plan before we close out 2022. Stay tuned.

We've also been meeting with our inaugural Board of Directors, a talented group of folks who are helping navigate AfroLA through its launch and first years.

Our Latest Stories

We still need your help

We hate asking for money, but AfroLA can only exist because of your support.

Your money will:

  • finance high-impact journalism projects

  • hire our first full-time staff

  • pay freelancers and community contributors

  • cover operating expenses, like our new website underway for launch

If you believe in our mission to tell Los Angeles's stories through an undeniably Black lens, and you're able, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation today.